Today I begin my new journey as a blogger. My name is Sandra, and I'm an industrial technology engineer (specialising in mechanical engineering).
I've always been eager to write about my discoveries in the engineering world, but I never took the step forward. Why? Because I thought that what I had to offer was not good enough.
But seeing so many people taking this step, I decided to try! I may not be an expert, but I can help people by learning what I learn on my way to being a mechatronics engineer.
What is this blog?
In this blog, I plan on writing my new findings and discoveries in mechanical engineering, electronics and automation engineering, and programming. I've been working as a mechanical engineer for some time, but in electronics and programming, I'm a rookie.
Right now, I'm on my way to learning Python and MATLAB. My goal in this blog is to teach what I find handy and improve my learning by doing this. I will also post some stuff on mechanical engineering for people who may be interested in it (although I'm still a learner on this topic!).
Also, if you find any mistakes or points that could improve my writing or submitted code, let me know! Receiving advice from more advanced developers is the way to grow better!
I hope you find this blog interesting. Thank you for joining me on this adventure!